Betta species

The Betta 

When most people think of bettas, they envision the vibrant, long-finned, and highly territorial fish commonly seen in pet stores. However, this popular image represents just a fraction of the diversity within the Betta genus, which encompasses 73 recognized species. These species are grouped into various complexes based on similarities in appearance, breeding behaviors, and habitats.

At Aqua Bioculture, our focus is on the Splendens complex within the Betta genus, particularly known for its bubble-nesting species. Our interest lies in high-grade domesticated bettas and wild species, especially those facing habitat destruction, with the goal of establishing commercial lines.

Species within the Splendens complex typically measure between 4-6cm (1.5-2.4 inches) and tend to display more aggression compared to other complexes, although this can vary based on the species and individual temperament. Notable for being relatively easy to breed, these bettas are also adept at adapting to pellet foods, which simplifies their care in both domestic and commercial settings.

The Splendens complex includes several fascinating species, each with its unique characteristics:

Each of these species contributes to the rich diversity within the Splendens complex, offering a window into the lesser-known world of bettas beyond the typical pet store varieties. Aqua Bioculture’s initiative in this area not only aims to enrich the aquaculture industry but also contributes to the conservation of these unique and often vulnerable species.